
Posts Tagged ‘Christopher Bezzina’

Dolor il-Bikkejja

January 14, 2012 1 comment

Bkiet għax waqqgħaha għaċ-ċajt Gonzi mhux għax naqsilha l-ministeru.

X’inhi helwa Dolor!

Qabdet tolfoq meta Gonzi qalilha li se jeħodilha l-politika socjali u l-affarijiet tal-familja mill-ministeru tagħha.

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Minister Dolores Cristina and the Frozen Funds!

June 28, 2011 Leave a comment

Minister Dolores Cristina still refuses to take responsability for the EU Programmes blunder and students remain without funding.

More than a year and half have passed since the EUPA scandal disappointed so many Maltese students who lost their opportunity to study abroad.

It was a classic case of incompetence and mismanagement of the Life-Long Learning and Youth in Action EU Educational Programmes that is supposed to be the responsability of the  Education Minister, Dolores Cristina.

The funds for these programmes were estimated to be about 7 million euros and have yet to be tapped by the Maltese government and distributed to our youths.

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